This project in photos!

The fact that your panel is French and designed by French engineers was very important to me, because our engineers are the best in the world!
Jean-Marc a former schoolteacher and MAIF boss for 30 years, has been retired since 2011. In his spare time, he enjoys fishing in the Marseilles harbor. It was his interest in the marine world and nature in general that prompted him to go solar.
As the grandson of a fisherman, this enthusiast of the sea wondered for a long time why a 2-in-1 solar panel didn’t exist… until he discovered our technology on the Internet! For 5 years, Jean-Marc carefully followed our news before equipping himself in May 2016.
His house is equipped with 6 Dualsun multi-energy solar panels, enabling him to produce his own water and electricity in a completely renewable way.
“My grandfather was a fisherman in Martigues, which leaves its mark! Back then, this generation made a living from fishing, but things have changed a lot today.”
“I think that the phenomenon of self-consumption will evolve enormously in the years to come. Jean-Marc
Absolutely replace fuel oil
“Fuel oil quickly became expensive, so we decided we had to upgrade our equipment. Solar energy fits in with our philosophy: it’s free and renewable! In our house, each need corresponds to a piece of equipment. I would have liked to install more panels, but I couldn’t due to a lack of roof space.”
The fact that our hybrid panel is French and designed by French engineers was also a very important argument for them. Their 2 children being engineers “we’re therefore sensitive to this issue, many French engineers developed inventions long before the Americans!”
An installation based on trust and proximity
In addition to being put in touch with his installer, Jean-Marc and his wife were able to contact a Dualsun customer for advice and to benefit from the concrete, outside opinion of a customer equipped with Dualsun panels near their home: “The initial contact went very well, and we embarked on this project with complete confidence. Installer Nicolas Bailly from Provence Energie Solaire Service is himself the son of an installer, so he knows what he’s talking about!
They were also reassured by the installer’s proximity: “Having a competent professional on site is an asset”.
Jean-Marc and his wife have a clear vision of the future of renewable energies: “It’s inevitable, indispensable. The northern countries are the most advanced in terms of renewable energies, and it’s a shame that in France there isn’t more momentum in this direction.