This project in photos !

“I chose Dualsun because I met the company in the course of my work. Also, because it’s a French company with manufacturing in France, so it seemed obvious to me to choose them.”
M. Varin has travelled the world, but it was in Marseille that he chose to set down his suitcases. This retired merchant navy officer commanded ships for years before returning to land.
Choosing an environmentally friendly solution
Mr. Varin ended his career at the head of the company where he was in charge of all aspects of sustainable development. For example, he was able to implement silicone paints on boat hulls. Indeed, silicone paints are more respectful of the environment compared to traditional paints, but above all, they improve gliding and therefore reduce consumption.
He took part in the first installation in France of the electrical connection of ships at quay in the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille. He also took part in the development of the cetacean tracking system to avoid collisions.
“Our house is on the edge of the Calanques National Park, in an optimal adhesion zone. We tried to reduce our impact on the planet, so we bought an electric car and installed solar panels”.
If he chose solar energy, it’s because it’s green! He wanted to cover his energy needs as soon as there is light, but also to charge the battery of his electric car. With 10 photovoltaic solar panels, Mr Varin will be able to cover part of his electricity needs. His needs vary a lot because the house goes from 2 people during the week, to around 15 on some weekends.
Solar panels in a National Park
Because his house is located on the edge of a national park in Sormiou, Mr. Varin had to respect certain constraints. For example, the panels had to be installed at the very top of his roof despite the shade of a tree that comes over it at a certain time of day. Likewise, the solar panels were installed on both sides of his roof. As a result, the panels are oriented east-west, which is not a major obstacle to solar production. They therefore produce more in the morning and in the evening, when the house is occupied!
Despite this, Mr. Varin is very satisfied.
“In March, the first full house, I made 12% of our consumption. In April 19%, in May we are at 29% of production on our consumption. I’m delighted. I’m waiting to see what a full year will bring, but I think it will exceed my expectations for the return on investment.”
So our client is a good ambassador for our solar technology, he doesn’t hesitate to say:
“I’d recommend Dualsun and the installer to my friends and family, I’ve already started to do so and I’m envious. Like the electric car, I already have two neighbours who have since bought one. So I think that the solar panels in my neighborhood will certainly make installations”.
“The installation was done by Soleil Vert in two short days with a very high level of implementation. The SOLAR EDGE application makes it possible to have the power consumed instantaneously, and therefore to review its consumption habits (use of household appliances, regulation of electric heating, connection of the electric car) and therefore to reduce very significantly the power consumed. »