Photovoltaic roof on the village hall of Palladuc

  • 2022
  • Palladuc, France
  • Power output : 9 kWp
  • Panels : 24 photovoltaic
7- Palladuc-salle-des-fetes-solaire-drone

The Dualsun FLASH solar panels of the village hall of Palladuc are connected since March 2022.

This is the first completed solar installation of the Société Coopérative d’Intérêt Collectif (SAS SCIC) Toi et Toits with a power of 9 KWp!

The objective of the SCIC Toi et Toits is to develop and produce renewable energies in a citizen and collective way. The starting point is the installation of photovoltaic solar panels on the roofs of public and private buildings on the territory.

For the inhabitants, it is a concrete way to answer the stakes of the energy transition locally.

It took our partner OHE 1 day and 3 men to install the 24 Dualsun FLASH photovoltaic solar panels.

Technical information

Characteristics Village hall
Number of panels 24 Dualsun FLASH photovoltaic solar panels
Power output 9 kWp
Photovoltaic system Self-consumption