This project in photos!

“I wanted to install Dualsun solar panels above all out of conviction, because I am professionally at the heart of the debate on the energy transition. I would no doubt recommend Dualsun to my friends and family, but we still have to evaluate the performance in real-life situations in order to definitively validate our very favourable opinion”. – Servane M
An ethical and economical solution
Servane was a TELECOM engineer for 11 years. Upon leaving Telecom, she completed a Master’s degree in Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management. It was within this framework that the Dualsun hybrid technology was presented to her.
Having become Energy Transition Manager, she now seeks to make energy savings for the local authority that employs her.
Personally, Servane wanted to install solar panels for ethical and economic reasons. They found in Dualsun these two aspects and were seduced. On this project, the 3 kva of electricity are sold on the network at a subsidized rate. The hot water is used in the house for self-consumption, for showers in particular.
Case study
This Dualsun installation allows this family to save 27,250 € over the lifetime of the equipment. They will not only reduce their energy bills, but also save €15,089 compared to their initial investment.