This project in pictures!

It was the installer who advised him to install hybrid solar panels, because they produce twice as much energy per m2 and because they offer an excellent guarantee. The job went well, only 3 days to install the panels on the roof and make all the connections: “He is an installer who loves what he does. Here, no breakdowns, no leaks”.
Antonio says he is satisfied with his installation, not only because it was quick, but also because he didn’t take care of anything: “It was the installer who took care of everything”! Today he recommends Dualsun “no breakdowns in 4 years, a service guarantee, a result, until today I have nothing to complain about, I am more than happy!”
A quick visit to the technical room allows us to see the installation: inverters, pipes, 600 L tank, production monitoring terminal … everything is there to check the proper functioning of the installation!
“No breakdowns in 4 years, a service guarantee, a result, until today I have nothing to complain about, I am more than happy!” Antonio