Hybrid solar panels on a champagne producing house

  • 2015
  • Aÿ-Champagne, France
  • Power output : 7,75 kWc + 1,87 kWth
  • Panels : 5 hybrids + 26 photovoltaic

? Champagne for Dualsun!

After having often toasted at Pastis, our company from Marseille is also getting into bubbles and presents you a facility located in Aÿ, the world capital of Champagne!

The Goutorbe family, at the helm of Champagne Henri Goutorbe, equipped their house in 2015 with 5 Dualsun hybrid solar panels and 26 photovoltaic solar panels. Also owners of a hotel in the village, all members of the family work together.

“We were convinced by Dualsun quite quickly for all its arguments: Made in France, reliability, the testimony of previous satisfied customers…” as Étienne Goutorbe, son and co-manager of the vineyard, points out.

“It was when we were renovating our south-facing roofs that we thought about solar energy,” says Etienne.

Initially motivated by economic and ecological considerations, Mr. and Mrs. Goutorbe, in consultation with their children, chose Dualsun to get involved in renewable energies. Our hybrid solution had been presented to them by their installer with whom they have been working for several years.

“The sun shines for everyone, I don’t stop anyone else from generating their own electricity, it’s not the same as taking a finite resource.”

The 5 Dualsun panels are located on the main house, 100 meters from the farm, while 26 other photovoltaic solar panels are placed above the presses.

The electricity is sold, it compensates for the needs of the vehicles and electrical equipment the family owns. For example, an electric car for daily journeys or an electric forklift truck for the needs of the cellar. There are also electric pruning shears available to employees.

The hot water produced by Dualsun will be used for hand washing and showers, especially during the seasonal planting and harvesting work that sees a large number of workers flocking to the farm.

The installation went well. In 2015 the custom was to integrate the solar panels on the roof, which is no longer the case since “we had to remove some tiles to replace them with solar panels, we have not had a single leak since 2015, which is a crucial point.” The Goutorbe family is delighted with the result, “it looks clean” says Étienne!

What installation systems are compatible with DualSun SPRING and FLASH panels?

Committed to an environmental approach, the Goutorbe family is working to obtain the prestigious HVE “High Environmental Value” label for its vineyard. Without going specifically into the label, renewable energies “participate in the whole”, Etienne told us.

“I recommend Dualsun for individuals as well as companies, I know they know how to adapt to each building.”

Going further with the Solar Water Heating Guide.

The interview with the installer

Who are you people?

I am Severino Trigo, I created the company Trisol in 2007 just after the passage of the decree on the purchase of electricity. The photovoltaic activity being in sawtooth, I developed other ancillary activities such as roofing or insulation. I switched to thermal when I discovered DualSun. I have a plumber-heating engineer employee who had the qualities required for the installation of the DualSun hybrid solar panel.

Trisol has 2 employees, 1 apprentice and me. We work 95% within a radius of 50 km, mainly around Reims, Epernay and Chalons en Champagne. I have a lot of customers from the world of vineyards who are interested in photovoltaic panels, but also local authorities, schools, workshops, etc.

How did you hear about Dualsun?

At a trade fair in Munich. I like to go to trade fairs from time to time, it keeps me up to date with the latest news. Shortly afterwards a customer told me about you again, then I found out about you on the internet.

The installation on the Goutorbe house is my first Dualsun installation. I will soon have a second one in self-consumption with inverter and battery.

How did the installation of the solar panels go?

The installation went very well. My employees installed the solar panels quickly, without any problems. It must be said that they are used to installing photovoltaic panels with the EASY ROOF system. With the Dualsun solar panel, there is no change in the installation, it’s very pleasant.

How do you see solar in 20 years?

Solar energy is essential but I’m convinced that we’re not doing what we need to do for it to really develop and that’s terrible. I’m sorry that we’re favouring nuclear power too much at the expense of renewable energy…

What does “2 in 1” mean to you?

2 in 1 is a very good idea! We need to develop this kind of solution, it should even be mandatory!

Why develop or not develop solar energy?

Because solar energy is good to take! We must develop solar energy, but above all we must simplify it. On a daily basis, the administrative procedures to be carried out for each installation of solar panels are much too long and difficult. It takes between 6 and 9 months between the signature and the end of the building site because of the authorizations, the connection, the consultation, etc…. We can’t wait for the appearance of an EDF meter that can count the solar production and subtract the consumption.

It is also necessary to speak about Dualsun widely. Today people have their habits, architects for example, it is necessary that mentalities evolve and that the ecological consciousness wakes up, not only the economic consciousness!

Will you recommend Dualsun to your friends and family?

Yes! I would have put some in my house if I still had room!

Technical information

Characteristics House of 5 persons
Number of panels 5 Dualsun hybrid panels + 26 photovoltaic panels
Power output 7,75 kWc + 1,87 kWth
Rooftop installation Roof integration (EASYROOF system), south-facing, 45° inclination
Thermal system Balloon de 300L Sonnenkraft
Photovoltaic system Micro-inverters Enphase, total sale of electricity to EDF