8 SPRING hybrid panels for a heated and energy self-sufficient swimming pool in Cugand (FR)

  • 2019
  • Cugand, Cugand
  • Power output : 2kWc + 3,23kWth
  • Panels : 8 hybrid panels

Stéphane created a 5m x 3m pool (20 m3) and the question was immediately raised to heat this pool. But he didn’t want a heat pump, a solution that he considers too energy-intensive from the point of view of electricity consumption.

What Stéphane was looking for was an energy self-sufficient pool. He found Dualsun. With the installation of 8 Dualsun SPRING panels, he is protected from any increase in the price of electricity for 20 years!

“The most frequently used proposals are heat pumps, but I looked on the internet for an alternative solution and came across the Dualsun proposal which seemed to me to be very efficient. It was very interesting because the panels are dual technology, so you could heat water and produce electricity. Not to mention the maintenance costs: zero maintenance here”.

After choosing the DualSun solution, Stéphane was put in contact with a DualSun certified installer in his region via the free MyDualsun platform. “The installer was the driving force behind the project and took it all the way to the end. The installation went very well, it was very fast, in 3 days.” Thus, 8 Dualsun Spring solar panels have been installed on its pool house. The hot water is used to heat the pool, the electricity will power the pump. The surplus electricity will be used for the house.

Read more in this article :

The guide to solar heating for swimming pools

A few months after the installation he testifies: “Today I am very satisfied with my installation which meets the studies that had been made and even beyond.”

Indeed, the study that was carried out predicted a set point of 28°C from May to the end of September. However, since the commissioning date in July, the pool has been permanently at around 30°C. “Yesterday I had 30°C in the pool” he tells us.

To conclude, Stéphane leaves us the following testimony: “I validate and I strongly advise this installation. Not only because it’s free energy and moreover because it works very well”.

➕ For more information, see our Solar Pool Heating Guide.



Technical information

Characteristics residential indoor swimming pool and house for 3 people
Number of panels 8 DualSun SPRING hybrid panels
Power output 2kWc + 3,23kWth
Rooftop installation On-Roof on a pool house, south facing, inclination 30°.
Photovoltaic system self-consumption of electricity