This project in photos!

“Very quickly, we asked ourselves the question of electricity production. But all we were offered at first were resale systems, but we were more interested in self-consumption systems.”
From the outset, the house was designed to face south, to enable passive heating, i.e. using the sun’s rays directly to heat the house.
The walls of this bioclimatic house were built of hemp concrete around a wooden frame. Hemp concrete is a complex of natural materials combining lime and hemp. This process is used to build insulating walls using natural materials.
➕ Which inclination and orientation of the solar panel to choose?
Via Dualsun I was put in touch with an installation company located in the next town. The fact that it was local was also an important factor in our choice. The installation was done in two days.
With a year’s hindsight on production, Vincent and his wife can draw up their first impressions: “After a year’s operation, we’re almost self-sufficient in electricity. That’s exactly the objective we had in mind when we installed the solar panels.” To optimize this self-consumption, they aim to consume at the same time as the hybrid panels produce, i.e. during the day.
Today, Vincent and his wife recommend Dualsun: “We have a complementarity with these panels that is coherent and completely corresponds to the philosophy we had for this house from the start.”