This project in pictures!

With a 2-in-1 solar panel, both thermal and photovoltaic, he was able to produce twice as much on the same surface, an economical and ecological solution that immediately appealed to him: “I’ve made huge savings since I’ve been equipped”.
If he chose to install solar panels, it was to reduce his carbon footprint and contribute to the preservation of the planet.
The work site went very well, in good harmony with the solar installer in his region and the Dualsun teams: “I have a good feedback”, he told us more than 3 years after the installation.
On the production side, Pascal is very satisfied with his thermal production “in general, my pool is at more than 30 degrees in the summer”. On the photovoltaic production side, he may have regretted that his house is not south-facing. Indeed, with a westerly orientation, winter production is not optimal to be energy self-sufficient. Fortunately, spring and summer make up for these three less efficient months.
➕ More details with this article: Which inclination and orientation of the solar panel to choose?
“I would recommend Dualsun, in fact that’s what I did to a friend who came to help me remove my tiles.” Pascal