This project in photos!

Dalkia has devised an intelligent system to supply hot water to the pool’s showers in a renewable way. The electricity produced by the 180 hybrid solar panels is consumed directly within the building.
It all began with Dalkia’s Energy Performance Contract (EPC) to generate maximum energy savings.
Then, in 2014, ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) launched the New Emerging Technologies Call for Projects (AAP NTE) programme. This was a great opportunity to test the Dualsun hybrid solar technology and to benefit from a grant at the same time. However, the AAP-NTE 2014 already proposed the solar hybrid category. So a file was submitted in Perpignan.
Subsequently, this model is duplicated in Sète on the Raoul Fonquerne seaside resort. The difference is that in the case of Sète, the hot water produced by the Dualsun panels participates in maintaining the temperature of the pools in addition to preheating the water in the showers.
Jean-Paul Girard, Design Project Manager in Dalkia Méditerranée’s Technical and Major Projects Department, gave a presentation on this project:
“[The Dualsun panels] are well suited for swimming pools. They are panels that operate at low temperatures, which allows production to be optimised. Moreover, on a swimming pool, there is a concomitance between consumption and production so it works well for solar.”