This project in photos!

“Dualsun is an innovative French company. It was important for us to put them to work” Kevin Polizzi
For its brand-new 5,550 m2 headquarters, Jaguar Network, an operator and provider of cloud and telecom services, decided to build an ultra-connected, bio-climatic building.
Kevin Polizzi, founder and Chairman of Jaguar Network, was heavily involved in the design of this exemplary building, and decided to earn a number of labels. Quanta is a Positive Energy Building (BePOS label), a High Environmental Quality Building (HQE label) and also a Mediterranean Sustainable Building at gold level!
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Customer interview
Kevin Polizzi, Founder and President of Jaguar Network
Why did you decide to install solar panels?
What was important for us in the production of solar energy was to guarantee the building’s autonomy and to have enough solar panels for our research and development projects. We have a very energy-intensive business linked to data centers. Our employees are therefore connected to the Dualsun solar production farm to guarantee that all the equipment they use to work comes directly from renewable energies.
So why Dualsun?
At first, we were presented with foreign solar panels. But Dualsun is an innovative French company. It was important for us to work with them because they’re a local player, and it’s important to have an economy of local players. It’s also important to work with FrenchTech colleagues! What’s more, the solar panel technology enabled us to get a higher quality offering at a totally equivalent budget.
How did the installation go?
The farm was up and running very quickly, and sourcing the panels was a priority. We clearly respected the project framework, the deadline and the budget. Three months after commissioning, the Dualsun panels are fully meeting their commitments.