In Norway, This Public Swimming Pool Is Heated by the Sun with Our SPRING4 Panels

  • 2024
  • Bergen, Norvège
  • Power output : 95 kWp
  • Panels : 225 hybrid

An Innovative Solution to a Major Energy Challenge

The AdO Arena in Bergen, Norway, has become a model of energy efficiency thanks to the installation of Dualsun hybrid solar panels. This ambitious project includes 1,980 m² of hybrid solar panels, working in conjunction with a 170 kW CO₂ heat pump located in the technical basement.

The result? Renewable heating for the swimming pools. Here’s how it works ⬇️

(Photo credits: Tequs, Jan M. Lillebø, AdO Arena, Opak)

Outstanding Energy Performance

With an estimated annual production of over 1,000 MWh, this installation is designed to cover a significant share of the aquatic center’s energy needs.

Here’s the breakdown:

340,000 kWh of electricity generated by the photovoltaic side of the panels, supplying a large portion of the shared infrastructure at AdO Arena and the nearby Amalie Skram High School.

700,000 kWh of thermal energy produced by SPRING4 hybrid solar collectors and the heat pump, covering approximately 95 to 100 days of pool heating.

Overall, this system will reduce CO₂ emissions by several hundred tons annually, significantly cutting dependence on fossil fuels.

Long-Term Profitability Guaranteed

The total project cost is estimated at 20.1 million Norwegian kroner (approximately €1.8 million). The expected return on investment is 26 years, assuming electricity prices remain around 1 NOK/kWh. However, with Norway’s rising energy prices, the project is expected to reach profitability even sooner.

For context, before the installation, AdO Arena consumed 2.9 GWh of heating annually. Thanks to this system, it can reduce this consumption by nearly 25%, leading to substantial financial savings and a significant reduction in its carbon footprint.

Dualsun: Proven Expertise Beyond Borders

This project is yet another confirmation of the reliability and performance of Dualsun’s solutions on an international scale. With Dualsun Nordics, our Swedish office, we demonstrate that our hybrid solar technology is perfectly suited to the climatic and energy demands of Nordic countries.

By partnering with local experts such as Straume Elektriske and InFluit, we ensure that our solutions are highly relevant and seamlessly integrated.

A Model for Other Facilities

The AdO Arena is now a benchmark for public swimming pools, proving that aquatic centers can be key players in the energy transition. With 1 million kWh produced on-site every year, this project illustrates how hybrid solar technology can massively reduce both energy costs and the environmental impact of energy-intensive buildings.


➡️ Other large-scale pool heating projects have also been implemented in France and Australia, including:


Technical information

Characteristics Pool Heating
Number of panels 225 Dualsun SPRING4 hybrid panels
Power output 95 kWp
Thermal system Tequs 170 kW CO₂ Heat Pump
Photovoltaic system Inverters, Self-Consumption of Electricity