This project in photos!

Monitoring of thermal production: the T-Box
We want to make the Nguyen-Ngo installation a reference point in terms of photovoltaic and thermal production for Switzerland.
On the photovoltaic side, the installation is equipped with Enphase microinverters that record the data. On the thermal side, numerous temperature sensors have been installed, at the top and bottom of the tank, as well as a flow meter and other sensors.
The installation is also equipped with the T-Box, a box that records the temperature of the Dualsun panels. The T-Box allows them to easily keep an eye on their thermal production, and the data can be consulted on their MyDualsun interface. If there is any thermal failure, we are immediately aware of it and can intervene via the installer. Offered as an option, the T-Box is already attracting many customers.
Dualsun: word-of-mouth trust
It is thanks to word of mouth that Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen-Ngo chose Dualsun panels. Mr. Horth, the installer who carried out the project, had been recommended to them by a colleague of Mrs. Nguyen. This installer is passionate about innovation and convinced by our technology. He was able to introduce them to this cutting-edge technology and show them its benefits.
The Dualsun panels allow the Nguyen-Ngo family to optimize their small roof by producing part of the domestic hot water and covering part of the electrical expenses related to heating, DHW backup and current consumption.
By looking after our network of approved installers, we seek to encourage the work of quality craftsmen and maintain the confidence of our customers.
Solar energy and environmental protection
For Mr. Nguyen-Ngo, renewable energy is a necessity. In his professional environment (the cement industry), environmental protection is something important and has been considered for a long time. It is true that solar panels offer the advantage of not emitting air pollutants. From his point of view, it is necessary to start by putting renewable energies on the housing before going to the next step. That said, he has heard of a solar-powered cement factory in Spain.
Let’s hope that, like the Nguyen-Ngo’s, renewable energy is a necessity for everyone.
“There is only one good advertisement and that is word of mouth!” Mr. and Mrs. Nguyen-Ngo